Navien Tankless Water Heaters in Myrtle Beach
Conway, Georgetown County, Pawleys Island and the Grand Strand Region
Navien Premium Efficiency condensing tankless water heaters are the #1 selling high efficiency condensing tankless water heaters in North America. The NPE-2 series offers ultra high efficiency up to 0.96 UEF to keep your utility bills low, endless hot water, and exclusive ComfortFlow®technology with built in recirculation pump and buffer tank.
Select to Learn More About Condensing Models:

Select to Learn More About Non-Condensing Models:

NPE-A2 Series

High Efficiency Condensing Tankless Water Heaters
Max Input:
150,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
150,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
180,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
180,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
199,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
199,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
199,000 BTU/H
- Indoor or outdoor wall-hung
- Residential/Commercial
- ComfortFlow® Technology
- ½ gas pipe capable up to 24'
- Field convertible gas system
- Ultra condensing efficiency
- Dual stainless steel heat exchangers
- Low NOx emissions (20ppm)
- SCH 40, 2" venting up to 75'
- Cascading capable
- EZNav multi-line control panel
- Built-in HotButton control panel
- Common vent up to 12 units
NPE-S2 Series Condensing Tankless Water Heater

Max Input:
120,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
120,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
150,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
150,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
180,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
180,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
199,000 BTU/H
Max Input:
199,000 BTU/H
- Indoor or outdoor wall-hung
- Residential/Commercial
- ½ gas pipe capable up to 24'
- Field convertible gas system
- Ultra condensing efficiency
- Dual stainless steel heat exchangers
- Low NOx emissions (20ppm)
- SCH 40, 2" venting up to 75'
- Cascading capable
- EZNav multi-line control panel
- Built-in HotButton control panel
- Common vent up to 12 units

Why Choose Dependable Service?
Get the immediate help you need, whenever you need it.
We make HVAC services affordable with financing options.
We back all of our services with a warranty for your peace of mind.
We've been proudly serving the Grand Strand area for over 20 years.
NPN-Universal Premium Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters

Max DHW Input: 160,000 BTU/H
Max DHW Input: 180,000 BTU/H
Max DHW Input: 199,900 BTU/H
- Indoor or outdoor wall-hung
- Residential/Commercial
- NaviTech stainless steel heat exchanger and burner
Universal Unit for Indoor or Outdoor Installations
- NaviVent 3" x 5" concentric venting
- Available in NG or LP
- Cascading capable
- Low NOx emissions (20ppm)
NPN-Exerior Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters

Max DHW Input: 160,000 BTU/H
Max DHW Input: 180,000 BTU/H
Max DHW Input: 199,900 BTU/H
- Outdoor wall-hung
- Residential/Commercial
- Available in NG or LP
- NaviTech stainless steel heat exchanger and burner
- Exterior unit for outdoor installations
- Available in NG or LP
- Cascading capable
- Low NOx emissions (20ppm)